Participating in small group activities at Grinnell UMC builds our relationship with Jesus Christ while forming relationships within our church community. Small groups offer opportunities to learn from Scripture and each other, as we discover ways to build up other people and the Body of Christ.
Bloom Widows Group
Date: First Sunday of the Month
Time: 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Location: Will Be Announced Monthly
Led By: Cindy Claussen
United Women in Faith
UWF is a worldwide women’s group within the United Methodist Church. You do not need to be a member of the church to be a member of the United Women of Faith. We meet approximately monthly in small groups called “circles,” at various times to accommodate busy schedules. We also have times when all of us can get together, and when we meet with other UMW groups in our state.
GUMC Drama Team
Join the new GUMC Drama Team! If you are interested in being part of a skit or full play, please contact Cindy, Grinnell UMC Director of Discipleship, to sign up!