There are many doors into GUMC so it can be confusing to know which door you should use! On Sunday mornings, all of the doors are unlocked for easy access. Here’s a quick guide to which door goes where:
5th Avenue Entrance (Marked Main Entrance): This door leads to the administrative office door in addition to the main hallway that leads to the sanctuary and Friendship Center. On Sunday mornings, greeters are waiting to help you find your way.
Park Avenue Entrance: Our wheelchair accessible entrance leads directly to the elevator that can take you up to the Friendship Center and Sanctuary or down to the children’s/youth Sunday School rooms. Additional handicap parking spots are marked near this door for Sunday’s services.
Sanctuary Door Entrances: Take the stairs up to enter directly into the Sanctuary. These doors lead to the back of the Sanctuary and allow you to easily slip into a pew that’s convenient for you.
Alley Entrance: Entering through the alley allows you to go directly downstairs to our children’s/youth Sunday School classrooms or go upstairs and follow the hallway down to the Sanctuary.
During the week, the only door that is regularly unlocked is the 5th Avenue/Main Entrance as it provides easy access to the office.